If you are an author interested in self-publishing, now is the time. Self-published books are experiencing unprecedented popularity. Books get an ISBN number, which are owned by the publisher. With self-published books, the author owns their own ISBN number. Through these numbers, self-published books are counted.
An analysis of U.S. ISBN data revealed that the number of self-published titles in 2012 jumped to more than 391,000, up 59% over 2011 and 422% over 2007. Ebooks continue to catch up to print, comprising 40% of the ISBNs that were self-published in 2012, up from just 11% in 2007.
The analysis shows the growing prominence of publishing companies that offer publishing services to individual authors. Self-published titles come to market with support from publishing companies that offer self-publishing services. Self-Publishing can be a virtual minefield if you are not careful.
The research on self-publishing includes surveys of authors that provide insight into where the market is going and services required by these writers. Those who intend to self-publish most often plan to bring fiction to market, followed by inspirational works, books for children and biographies. The majority of self-published authors site finding a traditional publisher as an obstacle, and they also feel challenged by marketing. The Country Press will take you through the process step-by-step.
For more information contact the Country Press.
Statistics - econtentmag.com