Authors spend hours outlining their plot and character profiles, researching background information, and devote months and even years writing their novel. After this comes the decision regarding publishing option. While traditional publishing is a common option, self-publishing is also a popular choice. What are the real benefits of self-publishing?
Other than traditional publishers, authors can have books published by self-publishing in Newton, MA. This option guarantees that authors retain creative control and gain greater financial rewards.
Creative control
Over the self-publishing process, authors retain their control over the content of the book as well as the cover design. The way the texts and images are arranged is also at the discretion of the author. Digital book printing allows for crisp illustrations and clear, crisp font.
Financial rewards
The author did the work, the author should be able to assume all of the profit. With self-publishing, authors get every nickle from sales, allowing for more of a budget for marketing and promoting.
For more details on self-publishing in Massachusetts, contact Country Press, Inc.