With the development of digital printing, short run printing is now an easy possibility. If you want to react to a market condition, you no longer have to rely on off-set printing for your printed book. On-demand printing can run 1 book at a time for you. Print shops are adding on-demand component to their operations to address the shorter run requirements of their customers and authors. Even large institutions like university presses and other academic publishers have also adopted this new digital printing technology.
In terms of cost, it has been found to be quite cheaper compared to the traditional offset printing for the short run. Since you are doing small run, adjusting the content is pretty easy to do through digital printing by simply changing the file and reprinting.
To further promote POD, waste is minimized. If there is a mistake on an off-set run, running new plates can be expensive. By printing only what you require, you are also saving the environment. You will not be throwing a large amount of printed materials in the dumpster when the original is changed or updated. It reduces to cost of waste and preserves the environment.
New opportunities abound with digital technology. For instance, individual authors who want to publish their own work can now have the ability to do it themselves. Short run book publishing is easy for any author that would like to produce a book or a business that wants to publish a book for their prospects and customers. In addition, the small print runs can always be published when needed.
The most important thing today is the on-demand book printing needs to be good. Digital brings with it the ability to do many creative things.
For more information on print on demand or short run printing, contact The Country Press.
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