If you are self-publishing a book, it is useful to know how this works. You should start with printing bound galleys. These are advanced copies of your books. However, just because they are not final copies of your book does not mean you should settle for producing low quality galleys. Remember, bound galleys can lead to higher sales which can result in positive feedback from reviewers and book bloggers.
In this highly competitive market, you always need to place your best foot forward. So in regards to book marketing, make sure that bound galleys in Newton, MA that are sent to selected readers are worth reading with great content as well as through a great reading experience. Both can increase initial rating and improve ROI.
With today’s digital book printing technology, self-publishers can create high quality bound galleys. Advanced copies are meant to look similar to final copies by choosing digital printing. The actual printers are strategically engineered with state of the art technology which print bound galleys faster and better.
To find out more about digital book printing services for bound galleys, contact Country Press, Inc.