Book readers pay attention to the reviews printed on the covers of a book. Authors know that it is important to solicit reviews from prominent individuals within the industry. We can assist to that end via high quality bound galleys produced via our state-of-the-art digital printers.
Advance copies of books, commonly known as bound galleys is a well-known and profitable publishing strategy. Books that are positively critically critiqued simply drive more sales. Our bound galleys that we produce here in Newton, MA allow authors to conveniently and cost-effectively gain good feedback from influential book experts. They advance copies need to be as high quality as the final product. And we deliver that for you.
Authors send professionally produced bound galleys to book clubs, reviewers, distributors, as well as notable personalities who deliver great influence upon readers. Delivering them high quality bound galleys will communicate that you give great importance to their reading experience and feedback. This is a critical prerequisite to the ultimate success of your work. With the help of digital book printing, producing and reproducing bound galleys is a convenient and cost-effective process.
To find out more about digital book printing and bound galleys, contact the Country Press, Inc.