Venturing into book publishing can be very challenging, expensive and time-consuming, which is why a competitive advantage is important. When promoting an upcoming book prior to printing the final version, getting reviews and positive feedback from prominent figures, reviewers and bloggers in the industry is incredibly advantageous. Bound galleys or Advance Reader Copies is one way for aspiring authors to gather and compile reviews.
Bound galleys in Newton, MA allow you to produce professionally made bound galleys printed with state-of-the-art technology. Although they are not the final copies, these copies must still be clearly printed and look exactly like the final release. They are then sent to select authors, reviewers, and bloggers for review and proofreading before the final book printing. After evaluation from these experts, credible feedback is advantageous in gaining more sales. Constructive criticism, on the other hand, helps in quality improvement. Best of all, edits and changes can be made quickly with digital printing.
Digital book printing produces bound galleys faster and better than traditional printing. With the available customization options, authors can cost-effectively print perfectly bound galleys with clear text and crisp images. These bound galleys are your best shot for a successful writing career and will opportunities to achieve higher book sales.
To find out more about printing bound galleys, contact Country Press, Inc.