Readers pay attention to the reviews of a book. It is true that books that have been recommended by many book experts will get more readers. One of the most effective ways to start accumulating these commendations from influential people will be through the use of bound galleys in Newton, MA. By sending bound galleys to book readers, book clubs, reviewers, and distributors, notable personalities who have a great influence on readers will be able to read the "pre-first editions" of the books.
Also known as "before first editions", bound galleys are uncorrected proofs or advance reading copies that are published months before the final printing and release of the book. They look just like a book with a cover and bookbinding, but usually, they would read “Uncorrected Bound Galleys or “Not For Sale” on the front cover. Through bound galleys, publishers can reach out to a number of important people in the book industry and have an edge over their book competitors. These bound galleys can be sent to bloggers, journalists, and other people in the sphere of media.
Choosing the right printing services to produce bound galleys is important. Although they are not the final books, it does not mean that they should be treated with lesser importance. Recognizing the role that bound galleys play in the commercial acclaim of a book, they should be visually appealing through good artwork and high-quality construction. Having an edge in the early stages of a book advances authors in the competitive market. This is achieved by bound galleys which are very effective in commercially endorsing a book.
To find out more about digital book printing and bound galleys, contact Country Press, Inc.