If you want to earn good reviews from book critics, sending them high quality bound galleys is absolutely necessary. With the breakthrough of digital printing technology, producing copies of bound galleys to send for marketing purposes is possible without laying out large amounts of money on press work.
Bound galleys in Newton, MA serve as initial copies that are issued to book reviewers, bloggers and book distributors for feedback prior to printing the final edition. These copies are used for further editing and improvement as well as for generating comments and feedback from the reviewers. Aspiring authors should consider sending out high caliber book samples to critics to get an a idea of the market and to generate reviews. Presenting these reviewers the best reading experience can earn better reviews and feedback that will aid in getting your final copies the front row display.
Impressive samples of your work is essential to better future gross sales of your book. For more information on high quality book galleys, contact The Country Press, Inc.