Despite the accessibility of e-books online, high quality textbooks are still preferred and recommended by the education commission. Studies show that students absorb more information from printed books as compared to e-books. They tend to remember the details they read from physical books. For this reason, high quality textbooks and manuals are still in high demand for many educational institutions.
It's a good thing that The Country Press’ digital printing services here in Boston, MA provide high-caliber soft cover textbooks to academic institutions across the country. Schools can have their own modules, manuals and other reading materials published a low cost. Texts and images are printed in high-resolution. This will help instill more information and details are more likely to retain in the brain. Many studies have shown that students who read high quality printed book have better reading comprehension than those who relied on e-books.
If your school seeks a reliable printing service that can deliver premium quality textbooks, look no further than the The Country Press Inc. We can help you produce your exclusive reading materials in first-grade prints.