We all know that self publishing is becoming more and more popular. But still, there are questions about it, not to mention, how to market and sell your book. Once you are able to market and sell your book, you will then see a return on your time and effort and money that you have spent on writing your book.
The biggest challenge people face is really not understanding that they’re going to have to market their own book – even if they have a publisher. Publishers can afford to do very little these days to help an author market.
For many authors, it is more the face-to-face, doing book tours and book festivals, signings and friends. Just going and meeting friends. For these events however, you need books to sign and give away. Short run book printing is the solution. For an author on a tight budget, short run book printing, when you can print anywhere from 1-2000 books, helps you manage your money and your storage space.
For more information contact The Country Press.
How to Market and Sell Your Book
27 Nov 2012