Bound galleys function as the closest thing to the authors’ final draft. They are printed for review from prominent editors and proofreaders before being officially published as books. Copies of the book at this stage serve as both evaluation copies and as initial promotional copies.
As evaluation copies, all the writing requirements that make up a successful book are usually met. Before reaching this level, it is normal practice for a book project to pass through numerous checks and consultations in the form of initial drafts and manuscripts. Content at this point may be complete, but bound galleys as advance promotional copies must now emphasize appearance and digital book printing aspects.
Marketing your book involves producing quality bound galleys in Newton, MA. It is at this level where copies of book are bound and presented to simulate as finished products minus the final book cover. High-end digital book printing is the only way to achieve this. To find out more about digital book printing services, contact Country Press Printing.