New writers face challenges with many bookstores being hesitant to risk promoting first-time publishers. We’ll help you solve that problem with our print on demand publishing service offerings.
Publishers unfairly tax new writers with lack of trust. New publishers are monitored by book wholesalers and if authors promote their work successfully and receive a number of orders, there is a good chance that their work will be marketable and saleable. Print on demand makes success a reality. With Print on demand, the printing of more book copies will be printed once they receive an order that allows printing of single or small quantities. More so, print on demand services offer printing and distribution services to various publishing companies which results in increasing popularity within the industry. Adding more, there is no need for inventory or stocking of books but rather it will go directly to the hands of the customer.
Print on demand gives an opportunity to the newbie writer to revise and make corrections if necessary. It gives assurance that the book remains available even when one-time printing has been sold out and yet another has not yet been available. This makes the old work accessible and when the demand arises it is ready for printing.
For more tips on Print on demand, contact Country Press Printing.