In the recent pastself-publishing in Boston, MA was a more labor-intensive and expensive process. There was a need to order a large number of books which meant higher initial printing expenses. That also entailed storage and storage fees. It was more challenging and urgent to find ways to get these self-published books into readers’ hands. Because the initial investment required the purchase of so many books, there was a larger risk of unsold books. But this is no longer the case. With digital printing, smaller initial runs are available and reprinting is much easier.
Things started to change in the mid-1990’s when most self-publishers took advantage of the new digital technology. This is now widely known as print on demand or POD. This has allowed self-publishers to maximize their resources and has eliminated the necessity of high-volume print runs using traditional offset printers.
Self-publishing has become a much more lucrative venture through POD. With this technology on the market, it is now possible for books to be produced in small runs to save on cost while still creating high-quality books.
To find out more about self-publishing and print on demand services, contact Country Press, Inc.