Traditional publishing has several pitfalls. For instance, the publishing house has the power over your book’s cover art and title. When the book needs editing, implementing changes can be difficult with traditional publishing. Additionally, authors often wait 6-18 months for the royalty rates that are usually between 5% to 25% in traditional publishing. These are some issues that self-publishing has put an end to.
When self-publishing in Boston, MA, you can control the book cover as well as the selling price because every decision is yours to make. Publication is much faster which means you do not need to wait for months or a year to get your book to the market. Additionally, changes, such as adding reviews, can be implemented with ease and without being costly. Self-publishing your book also allows greater royalty rates.
Because of digital book printing, you can self-publish without breaking the bank and without need to settling. With a wide array of options for customization, the cover can be enticing enough to make readers want to open the book immediately.
To find out more about self-publishing, contact Country Press, Inc.