Got a story to tell, a biography you want read, a cook book to share? There's a self-publishing service for you.
The Country Press will help you make a book. We provides hands-on custom service, and we are designed to ease, streamline and speed up the self publishing process. We will take you through the process step-by-step.
Self publishing grew out of what was once called vanity publishing - small private printings geared for friends, family and professional colleagues. With readily available technologies for making books emerging in tandem with online markets for selling books, self-publishing has become a great way for self publishers to get their books out there. Self publishing is creating a huge number of additional authors who want to be heard.
Self-publishing inverts the longstanding publishing model: Where authors have traditionally been paid by publishers. Have you got a book you want published, contact us.
Kansas City Star
Self Publishing Gets Your Story Told
29 Mar 2012