In the past self-publishing authors were at a distinct disadvantage versus those authors served by the big-house publishing companies. Freelance authors were literally forced to distribute their work by the trunk of their cars. But that clearly is no longer the case thanks to the advent of short run book printing services.
Our short run book printing services here Boston, MA allows self-publishers to print small-batch copies to test the market. Cover materials and interior pages are saved in a file so reordering can be just a phone call or email away. This eliminates the additional cost on storage fees as self-publishers no longer need to order bulk copies. Now they have more aces in their game as they can test the salability of their work first prior to full blasting their investment.
So If you are a self-publisher and are looking for a cost-effective initial distribution channel, The Country Press will fulfill your requirements very effectively. For an expounded details about our short run book printing services, contact us today!