One of the main strikes against traditional book printing is that books have traditionally been over-printed. In other words, more copies of a book are typically printed than will ever be purchased by consumers, meaning a lot of paper gets wasted. This model for manufacturing books is wasteful and inefficient.
Responsible book printing companies have started offering short-run book printing services. Rather than forcing publishers to purchase huge orders so they can keep their unit price as low as possible, some printers are offering the ability to print only what’s needed, when it’s needed. With short-run printing, authors and publishers print off books when they are needed, thereby reducing the waste of unused materials. This technique can lead to a huge reduction in the impact book printing has on the environment. Some short run book printers also help authors and the publishing community transfer files into eBook format, giving everyone a chance at publishing an eBook along with their printed work.
For more information on short run printing, contact The Country Press.
Greener Ideal