It is very convenient from lesser money tied up, lesser waste, lesser risk, lesser storage space and the more than ever faster turnaround. These are the benefits of the Short Run Printing or Print on Demand. Since most of the published documents need to be changed overtime, with short run printing, it is the most convenient option for making changes between batches.
With short run digital printing it gives the privilege of making alterations compared to offset printing which will not give you the privilege of making changes during the printing process. Being a small quantity of books being printed instead of a whole skid, there is no need to invest much money. The good part is it turns your inventory faster. Another advantage of ordering in small increments is it reduces the chance of being stuck with out-of-date books because the content changes more rapidly as expected. The risk in this method is lesser because this is more appropriate for book projects since it allows for test marketing and relatively quick adjustments. Book projects have frequent changes especially in the content or design of the book. Further, handling cost is another benefit of short run printing. Books that normally take up a lot of room will no longer happen since the less you order at one time, the less space you need to store them.
With digital printing, there is always less set up time. With a minimum order of books you will have it in quickest time because a shorter run takes less time to produce giving it the faster turnaround. On the other hand, the lesser the set up involved will give more opportunity options for customization. Printing what you need when you need it, will save a specific file setup for a later date.
For more tips on Short Run Printing, contact Country Press Printing.