After writing a book, the next step is to publish the work. The two main options that authors can consider are traditional publishing and self-publishing. Simply put, traditional publishing allows publishing houses to have control of the book content and quality, while self-publishing gives the author full control over the book. These two options offer different advantages and disadvantages. This is why authors should weigh the pros and cons of both and decide which will work best for the success of the book, both critically and commercially.
If an author wants full control of their book, then self-publishing is the best choice. The book format, cover design, and aesthetic qualities are all decided by the author. Furthermore, self-publishing also allows the author to retain complete control on the editing, publishing, and marketing process. That being said, an author also retains all the rights to the book and the publication speed is faster when compared to traditional publishing. Self-published books can be sold within a few months while traditionally printed books can take years.
Independent authors can now enjoy the benefits of self-published books. Authors can consult experts in self-publishing in Newton, MA in order to choose the printing and color options that will best suit them. Using digital book printing authors can be confident that their book can be easily modified and that additional copies can be created quickly.
To find out more about the advantages of self-publishing, contact Country Press, Inc.