Book Printing Blog

Annual Report and Warrant Printing for Towns and Governments

Joseph Coupal - Friday, June 28, 2013

Towns, cities, governments, and organizations are in need of efficient and economical and speedy printing of town reports, rosters, and warrants. Most cities and towns as well as their municipal offices are facing a budget crunch while also facing a need to disseminate more and more printed information out to their residents.  It is important to choose a printing or publishing company that will print only what you need when you need it and who will work with your specific needs.

The Country Press has been printing Annual town reports and warrants, as well as roster books and other town office publications for towns throughout New England. The Country Press assists in both design and production as well.  We offer a full range of services from typesetting, design, manufacturing and delivery. As an additional service, we would be glad to provide you a sample copy of your report for review prior to final printing.

This is what the Lions of Massachusetts District 33N had to say:

The Lions of Massachusetts District 33N are very happy with the services provided to us by Counrty Press and its staff. Country Press published our annual Roster Book and were very responsive to all our needs and requests. Their services were prompt and always timely. We are very pleased with our publication and happy to provide our endorsement of the competive price and the professional services of Country Press.

For more information on printing services for town and government offices, contact The Country Press.

Bound Gallery’s for New Book Marketing

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bound galleys are unedited versions of your book and are used to get book reviews before the publication date of your book. Bound galleys are used by authors and self-publishers to generate publicity for marketing the book before it is published. Bound galley books are sent to book reviewers, booksellers, and distributors so they can read and make decisions about your book.
Publishers can send anywhere from 11-5000 bound galleys for a prepublication marketing campaign. Book galleys, bound manuscripts, and ARCs (advanced reading copies) all serve the same purpose, but they are a little different. So, when submitting your pre-published book for review, be sure to check the guidelines.  

For your book to successfully sell, the book must garner publicity. The bound book galley is a necessary component to this. The best marketing that can’t be bought is word of mouth. If people talk about your book before it comes out, word can spread quickly, and readers will be eager to buy it.

A bound galley is the pre-publication version of an upcoming published book that is a printed, perfectly bound book used to marketing the book to reviewers, bookstore distributors and buyers. For more information on Bound Gallery’s, contact The Country Press.

Advanced Copy Books Help you Market Your Book

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, June 13, 2013

If you are self-publishing your book, selling advanced copies of your book gives you a good idea of how many books to print. With advanced copy books you can sell your book in advance when it is in the last stage of editing with short run printing.

If you want to sell a book that is not in print, and won’t be few 6 months or so, advanced copy books can help.  

You can make sales and collect money by using advanced copy books as your marketing tool. Get the book out there if your book is in the last stage of editing and if you either have a publishing deal or are choosing to self-publish.
Every self-published author would love to sell some books, so every self-published author loves presales. Presales can help with the expenses involved in publishing you book, including final printing, marketing, office materials and more.

Authors are often able to sell enough advance copies of their books to start making a profit before trying to stock bookshelves. But best of all, you through advanced copy books, and presales, you will have more of an understanding of how your book is going to sell. Then when it comes to the final printing, you will have a better understanding of how many to order and where you have been the most successful in you marketing efforts.

For more information on advanced copy books, contact The Country Press.

On Demand Printing to Publish Your First Book

Joseph Coupal - Friday, June 07, 2013

Once you have completed you book, you need to publish it. This is easier said than done. Will a publisher publish your book? How many books do you need? How much can you spend on publishing? And how much storage do you have? These are all questions you need to consider when you are heading into the book printing phase.

Today, most publishers are taking established authors. But you still need physical books for marketing, book fairs, local libraries, reviewers, and book signings.  By using print-on-demand, you can publish your book, in any quantity.  

Printing books on demand means you can print what you need. Print one book, ten books or 1000 books, whatever you need can be professionally, digitally printed. /Print on demand is perfect for new authors. Every book needs editing, but small mistakes or typos can be missed. With print on demand, you don’t have to worry about reprints. If you find an error, it can easily be fixed, and you won’t have 1000’s of books wasted.

Additionally, if you decide to change your cover art, that can be done with on-demand printing as well. Simply change the cover, and digital print on demand can change the look of your book.

Best of all, with on-demand book printing you can order as few or as many books as you need, so you are never wasting money, space or resources. Print books for your book signing, then print again for your reviewers, print yet again for the local library. Print on demand ensures that no self published author goes broke trying to market their new book.

For more information on print on demand, contact The Country Press.

Print on Demand Books Can Fulfill Orders

Joseph Coupal - Friday, May 31, 2013

Book distribution through print-on-demand is made possible with digital printing. If you have books that needed to be printed in response to an order, print on demand books are the perfect solution. No matter the amount of books ordered, with print on demand you can print exactly the amount of books you need for distribution, no matter the quantity.  Through digital printing you can even print just one book profitable with print on demand. For new authors, budget is almost always an issue. Therefore, print on demand is the perfect option for authors who have a tight cash flow.

At the Country Press, we keep your book in a digital database. For publishers this is benefits because you don’t have to keep these books in inventory and eliminates the waste of publishing books that may not be sold. This creates a high demand for our Print on Demand services. Print on demand books are also perfect for self publishers who are interested in selling their books online.

If you need quick turnaround on a title or need a proof, digital print on demand services is the perfect choice to meet your requirements. With print on demand, we can even print your book and then hold it in our warehouse and ship it at a later date when you need it.  When demand for your book grows, short run book printing services can meet your needs for books from 11-5000. In fact, self-publishing and print-on-demand work well together for authors that need to be careful with their marketing dollars.  

Print on Demand is a specialty at the Country Press, contact us.

The Many Benefits of Short Run Book Printing

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, May 21, 2013

All publishers and authors occasionally run into budgeting problems or time constraints. Are you a self published author with no extra capital for publishing a large quantity of books. Maybe as a result of the slower economy you cannot afford a lot of money for over-the-top book marketing. Whatever the reason, short run book printing can help with a tight budget.  How?

Marketing your new book
Marketing is essential for reaching readers and getting  your book known. But marketing can be expensive. You don’t need 1000’s of books. Bulk book printing would not be useful. Short run printing can allow you to maximize your marketing dollars while printing only the amount of books  you need, anywhere from 11 to 5000!

Short run printing allows you to print only the amount of books you need. Though the price per book may be higher, your expense will be less because you can print a smaller amount of books..

Get your books faster
With short run book printing you will also get your books faster. Short runs allow you to get the books you need right away.

Greener option
Every book you don’t use is money thrown away. With short run printing you get only the books you need and want. Save money by only printing the books you need, when you need them.

For more information on short run printing, contact The Country Press.

Promoting Self Published Books with Short Run Printing

Joseph Coupal - Friday, May 10, 2013

If you are a self-published author, the job of marketing your book is up to you. How do you do this? There are several ways, and you can be successful at it. Short run book printing is becoming an increasingly popular way to share your book with those who can help get the word out.  

Locate your readers before you even finish your book. There are so many independent book bloggers out there who read and review books for fun. But, they have loads of followers and lots of credibility. Find them and send them your book.

Being a self-publisher means you are a content producer and a book distributor.  With short run book printing, you can publish your book. But the biggest advantage of short run book printing is that you can publish your book within budget. Short run printing is perfect for getting hard copies of your book out to these book bloggers, book fairs, publicists and reviewers. Short run printing gives talented authors a chance to succeed by giving them an inexpensive and efficient way to get their book out.

Once your book is released, keep on marketing. Communicate frequently with your readers, and meet and speak with potential readers. You never stop marketing your book. Make plans for book signings and fairs. That is the beauty of short run books, if you need more you can order more, from 11 copies to 5000. Only order what you need. If you need to make edits or changes after your book bloggers have read it,that is easier too with short runs.

For more information on short run book printing, contact The Country Press.

Short Run Book Printing has Many Benefits

Joseph Coupal - Thursday, May 02, 2013

Short run book printing makes it easy for that makes it easy for authors, publishers, universities and town governments to publish or print a small quantity without paying as much as they would with offset printing.

Short run book printing offers valuable benefits for budding authors and self-publishers allowing them to print a smaller amount of books at a time, anywhere from 11 to 5000 copies.

With short run printing, not only do you get to order fewer books, you also receive your books in a shorter time frame.  Printing on demand gives you faster turnaround because there is less setup.

Another advantage is that many new or struggling authors do not have a large budget to spend on printing and marketing. With short run printing, the initial cash outlay is far less because you can order fewer books.

Short run book printing allows self publishers to market their books because before short run printing, new authors did not even have a printing option.  Now self published authors can market their new books by attending book signings, book fairs or using their books as giveaways.

With short run book printing you can make changes to content if corrections or edits are needed. Authors can also change cover art for the next round of printing.

Of course, while not the most thought of benefit, short run book printing is also eco-friendly. Why print more books than you need.

For more information on short run book printing, contact The Country Press.

Self-Publishing Gets Your Book in the Hands of Readers

Joseph Coupal - Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Do you have an idea that you would like to get into a printed book? A publishing company can help a developing writer publish a book. However, more want-to-be authors are turning to self-publishing as their preferred way of publishing a book. So how about using a publishing company that offers self-publishing services as well.

These days, it’s easier than ever to get your story to the people who want to read it. With the rise of self-publishing and all forms of indie publishing, you can do it yourself. People choose self-publishing for many reasons, the biggest reason being that they would prefer to maintain control of their book. Many writers prefer to control their own work from an artistic and business standpoint.

Beyond this, there are plenty of other reasons writer would prefer to self-publish:

  • Lower publishing cost.
  • Self-publishing allows an author to maximize their books ‘earnings.
  • Self-publishing allow you to market to a small, specific demographic that you have direct access to.

Or, perhaps a traditional publisher has turned you down. If you are unknown, a publisher may not take an interest. There have been plenty of recent New York Times bestsellers who were initially turned down by publishing houses and became self-published books. In fact, half of Amazon’s top 10 best-sellers last year started as self-published books.

Self-published books used to bear the vanity press stigma and steep costs but now, independent publishing is quickly becoming the preferred road to readers for many authors. Self-publishing is getting easier and the success stories are becoming more prevalent, causing self-publishing to gain in popularity.

For more information on self-publishing, contact The Country Press.

Short Run Book Printing for a Small Amount of Books, Fast

Joseph Coupal - Friday, April 19, 2013

When you need a small number of books printed in a short amount of time, choose short run book printing. Short run printing is the right way to print a small quantity of books. This can also be called print on demand.  Digital short run printing takes the expense of making plates that are necessary with traditional printing. This combined with the fact that you can print far fewer books makes this a very economical option for self-publishers and new authors.
Short-run printing is possible at The Country Press because we have state-of-the-art printing technology and bindery equipment that can create for you black and white or color books in a variety of bindings  including hard-cover, soft cover, wire-o, plastic-comb and -coil, case, and saddle-stitch.

Short-run book printing is generally considered to be a book printing run of fewer than 500 copies, although you can print anywhere from 11 to 5000 copies. Authors that are in limited distribution or who have a new book with no idea of how it will sell will often use short run book printing to re-stock their own inventory, to prepare for new promotions, or for marketing purposes.

For more information on short run printing, contact The Country Press.



Are you late with titles for the current season? Are you trying to make that upcoming book show? Do you need dependability? Where do you need your books shipped to? Look no further than Country Press.



Country Press has a long history of supplying printed material to our nations Universities and Colleges. If any one or more of the following scenarios apply, we are the one to turn to.



Self-Publishing can be a virtual minefield if you are not careful. To make this an efficient process and successful endeavor you need to understand some of the “Basics” of Publishing and the definition of Self-Publishing.



We have been assisting Cities and Towns throughout New England in the design and production of their Annual Town Reports and Warrants. We offer a full range of services from typesetting, design, manufacturing and delivery.